Spring has SPRUNG in the Lowcountry, bringing along with it the azalea blooms and pollen-coated vehicles. It's the ideal time to take charge of your space and declutter! A thorough spring cleaning makes your space look fantastic and sets the stage for ongoing tidiness. Remember, it all begins with decluttering. The less you have, the simpler it is to keep things neat and tidy.
1. Start in your easiest spaces.
Begin by tackling simpler tasks such as organizing your living room, kitchen, or car. If you declutter your kitchen, you’ll notice it immediately the next time you prepare a meal, and cleaning the kitchen every evening will be noticeably easier.
Large Storage Bins- These help you collect any items in the space you’re working in
2. Ask yourself three questions.
Do I need it?
When did I use it last?
Does this fit the 20/20 rule? Could I replace it for less than $20, or will it help me in under 20 minutes? If not, toss it!
3. Donate, donate, donate.
Aim to donate as much as possible as you start clearing out clutter from your home. Trying to sell items just adds more stress to an already challenging task. Orchid Organizing is always available to haul off your donations! - The only exception would be valuable items.
4. Clean.
Now that you’ve removed all that stuff, it’s time to deep-clean the area!
Cleaning Caddy- This carrier will help keep your cleaning supplies handy.